Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy Halloween from Winfield Middle School

Winfield Middle School Parent Blog

Our Annual Costume Social at the Middle School follows another AC LAB Challenge
Room to spare for this Limbo Contestant at the Costume Social!

Coach with the Ultimate photobomb!

In the Winner’s Circle for the Second Year in a row!
Well done, Ice Cream Cone and The Hunger Games.

Why post our goals?
Why publish those goals?
Why share them with others?
What family, personal or financial goals have you made?

1st things 1st
Middle School Students try their best “engaged” face! Yet this science lab was ultra-engaging, with everybody up and doing something hands on. Mixing, measuring and molding to explore characteristics of compounds

2. When does “helping” actually hurt?
This article shared by our superintendent reveals a snapshot of the perspective of our leadership, articulating a point of view, thoughts and perspectives on reaching our student body with an emphasis on traditional procedures and alternative methods. Our students need the very best we can give them as they head to their future.
...And their best “serious” face!

3. Another SNAPSHOT according to School Digger
The numbers at the dots are as follows:
2009 16.7
2010 18.5
2011 6.7
2012 17
2013 7.9
2014 5.7
2015 6.9
2016 16.7
The year listed is followed by the percent of schools in the state we exceed. #Gettingbetter

Nicely done! Yes, last year, increased our scores and ratings. Major contributions in math and among the cohorts progressing through the building and a tighter bell shaped curve for us demonstrated increased consistency in the building and among each grade. Well done, everyone.

Even Art Class at Winfield even involves snacks!

4. Reflections from our PD Tuesday
Last week, during Fall Break, the teachers of Winfield School District all met together on Tuesday, before the students returned. They spent the day exploring and being trained various approaches for technology in the classroom. Watching our middle school team of teachers and staff work together, demonstrated understanding, technological prowess, and support for the entire district. Our middle school staff members encouraged and reinforced their leadership, fortitude and persistence. They really are #thoseteachers at #thatschool for #everystudent. They have embraced so many things in the past few years. Technology, PBiS, Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions, MAP testing, hardware and software and Chromebooks to name a few. There is nothing they can’t do! I am also encouraged by their progress in planning, organizing and developing the curriculum. Many even spend days of their summer in uninterrupted #nextlevel work as well. Who said, “Teachers get 3 months off?”

5. Schedule
  • Halloween - No costumes at school, please
  • Climate and Culture
  • Early Release day
  • First Basketball Games at Home and Away against Elsberry  
    • Girls, here, starting at 5:00  
    • Boys, there, starting at 5:30
  • 7th Grade Girls and Boys host Van Far - 5:00 start time

  • Brunswick - Round Two -Nov 9th for 8th & 9th graders
  • November 16 Early Release theme
    • Hey Parents, stay tuned for a resurgence in our Middle School PTO
    • We will also strive to develop a Graphic Calendar for inclusion in our blog as well
Watching our team of Middle School Teachers work, share, interact, collaborate, cooperate and inspire each other continuously impresses me. Watching the students with their generous hearts, kind spirits and cooperative attitudes reflects the solid quality upbringing in households throughout Winfield. From the comments and interactions with parents at events and practices, to the way folks step up to help each other, to so many positive remarks and notes of encouragement, to the daily lunchtime conversations, this community is becoming home. As only a 7 year veteran, I will always feel like “the new guy.” Regardless, I am proud and privileged to play that minor role. In fact, last Thursday I was supervising lunches with 300 of my favorite people, (students) and I had an epiphany. I realized how fortunate I am to be able to serve this community of families, community and staff. Corporately, we all blend within our diversity and even though we don't all agree on everything, we model tolerance and acceptance for each other and the children like few other settings or environments. These insights combined with the encouragement from supervising lunch periods continues to increase our compassion for these students.

Thank you for allowing us to serve your students,

Tom McCracken

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