Monday, September 12, 2016

Who is right? What is right? Read on...

This week in the Middle School
Winfield Middle School Parent Blog
September 12, 2016

Attendance Matters:
90% of us here 90% of the time
It’s hard to mess up cookies and milk…  
She is thoroughly enjoying this surprise visit by the Attendance Team. They come by to see if everyone is present. Classes that are picked with 100% attendance get the pleasant little treat of cookies and milk!

As the adults in the school, we strive  to be authentic and inviting. As a result, we have been seeing great attendance rates, with even some days at 100% for subgroups, especially the 6th grade girls!

What’s going on at WINFIELD?
This screenshot of our district calendar shows just a bit of the detail available on the Calendar Homepage. Additional information can be found just by clicking and highlighting any event!
Find this by searching WINFIELD TANDEM CALENDAR in your favorite browser.
You can also get there from our Winfield Home Page or the links here and below!
This blog from the middle school is a summary of what we have going on. It is not meant to be the definitive, end all, be all planner for our building. That GREAT resource is our district TANDEM calendar maintained by the (@goWinfield) ACTIVITIES OFFICE. Updates based on weather, water boil issues or transportation will often show up here first! Log into the page and subscribe using the button on the right side to get email or text updates to sporting events or programs. For a Middle School summary, see below.

  • 8th grade softball at Troy
  • Cross Country at Bowling Green
  • 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball to Bowling Green
  • Special Musical Guests in Gym. Intermediate Students to join us - 12:30 - 1:30
  • Football to South Callaway (Early departure and a late night. Be sure and get back to school on Wednesday. Attendance counts!)
  • 8th grade softball at Troy
  • 8th Grade Softball vs Warrenton
  • Volleyball vs Warrenton at home
  • 8th Grade Softball vs Hannibal
  • 7th Grade Volleyball - Troy Tournament
Last week, our staff participated in an experiment in social exploration. We all drew cards, like the game of Life, and each card portrayed a situation that may have offered some stress, some comfort and some choices that brought the real world even closer! Situations about job loss, poor health, and unexpected surprises such as evictions, unplanned pregnancy and insurance issues were thrust on the teams and together, they had to divide and conquer.

#Empathy through #experiences
#ThisFamily got evicted from their home right before payday and were struggling to find a place to live.

#evictionISNTpretty and when your chairs get tossed, it gets tough to find a place to call home.
#homeless shelters became familiar haunts when looking for suitable housing. The kids added another layer of stress to the situation as well.

Teacher Take-aways
Rules changed without notice.
Frustration abounds at every step.
The situations were familiar.
It was fun, educational, interesting and engaging.


What is your favorite class? LUNCH!

Warriors versus Warriors
This year, we battled Warrenton on their field. Compared to last year, when we ended up with a running clock because we were so far behind, we kept it to an 18 point game!

Competition or Collaboration or Communication?
  As we face problems, issues, obstacles and hurdles, I instantly think of the teachers in the middle school as the best resources for developing plans to address the problems. I know some concerns are not easy to articulate and others aren't easy to solve. Many times, it seems like the problem is so deeply ingrained, it is insurmountable. Regardless, I think of their opinions, ideas and brainstorming sessions as valuable. In fact, often times when I get over my stubbornness, we apply staff created and designed solutions addressing things with deft, tact and creativity. It was no longer necessary for me to solve every problem by myself!
  Back in the day, a realtor told me, “‘No’ means ‘Maybe’ and ‘Maybe’ means ‘Yes!’” As someone is looking for a house, they may like everything but the carpet! That is a ‘Maybe’ and it brings us one step closer to satisfying their housing needs. Additionally, ‘No’ just lets us know what is not working! All we need to do is keep trying to maximize the benefit for ALL parties, from the students and parents to the teachers and district. What works for ALL of us to help students achieve the most?!
  Gathering opinions, insights and experiences for the true good of the group maximizes buy-in, effectiveness and participation. Proposing ideas and brainstorming brings out the best.
We grow through collaboration by communication and shying away from the competition!

An argument seeks WHO is right. A discussion seeks WHAT is right!


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