Monday, September 26, 2016

RARE Event: Deliveries home from the the Middle School!

Hey Middle School Parents,
Look for them from your students!

HANDOUT items included:
  1. OPT OUT LETTER for 6th graders only.
  2. MAP SCORES for most students.
  3. The updated Acceptable Use Form.**
  4. PROGRESS REPORTS emailed to most families but some hard-copies delivered.
** Sign and send this one back please. It will continue to improve the students’ communication with their teachers on their chromebooks!

Look for this coming home with 6th graders Monday!
OPT OUT of this?
At Winfield Middle School we don’t ever want to try and take the place of parents. We see ourselves as support, reinforcement and back-up to what goes on at home. However, as students enter the middle grades, it really is a new season in their life and we all want to work together! Changes will be mixed schedules, the diverse nature of the larger groups and moving from class to class with plenty of Choices as they practice growing up! Eventually, students will face other things outside our reach, and we want to prepare our young wards for the ever tough, “No!”  
Therefore, we have invited Crider Health Center to be here all week sharing with the 6th graders in Social Studies class to continue building on their current foundation.

MAP SCORES: What we have all been waiting for…
Look for this coming home with ALL Monday!
Our MAP scores have been delivered to school, are organized and will be sent home Monday with grade reports, Acceptable Use forms and the Opt Out form for students wishing to opt out of the Crider Health Center Program.

Look for this coming home with ALL Monday!
This revised Acceptable Use Policy (Printable copy here) allows staff and students to communicate through a school based email to facilitate higher levels of feedback. Please RETURN THIS FORM ON TUESDAY. You may also get on of those forms at the link here.

Speaking of Computers...
We use eValuate Data to track progress. Results look something like this:
This programs track our students’ progress from one month to the next in Math and ELA while we prepare for the State MAP tests scheduled for the springtime. This year, MAP will be May 1 - May 12th! Please avoid planning vacations or appointments during this window if at all possible.

Additionally, we have a program called MOBYMAX ( that connects content, effort and reward games AFTER students reach authentic goals. Students work through problems assigned according to their own ability and experience levels. Then after a set amount of time and success, they earn GAME TIME:
This Dashboard view allows teachers to supervise, plan and work towards their personal goals. Interestingly, these assignments are “adaptive,” meaning they match their degree of difficulty with the students’ abilities. The problems are neither too hard, nor too easy! Students seem to enjoy working on MobyMax on their chromebooks.

September 26 - October 1
This week
    • Changes and Choices for the 6th graders (See sample above)
      • This week, Crider Health Center will come and share with our 6th graders a bit on Changes and Choices. Please follow this link below to preview the curriculum ahead of time.
      • Parents may OPT OUT if they would rather address these issues themselves
    • MAP Results - Students earning Advanced or Proficient or raising their scores a level will be invited to BRUNSWICK! (See sample above)
    • A revised Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) form for the students to use to communicate with their teachers via school email. (See sample above)
    • Progress Reports will be emailed to most parents and guardians. Those with no email address on file will receive a hard copy.
  • 2016 MAP Scores will be sent home with the Recently Board Approved Acceptable Use Form.
    • This Acceptable Use Form needs to be returned to school on Tuesday, please.
  • 8th Grade Softball vs Wright City has been moved to October 4
  • Volleyball @ Troy Middle
  • Football @ Louisiana
  • Bus Evacuation training
  • 8th Grade Softball at Elsberry
  • Volleyball at Home vs Montgomery County
  • 8th Grade Softball @ Fulton
  • Volleyball @ Hannibal
  • Grade Reports
  • Softball Pizza Party and Uniform Turn-in after school
  • 8th Grade Volleyball - Troy Tournament
  • Brunswick Bowling for those who have Advanced, Proficient or growth from one category to another. - Oct 19 - Guest list under construction

After their 17-9 victory over MoCo, our softball girls take one more “free base.”
While “supervising” games, I see and hear extra comments from fans and parents and even teachers alike. Later, I overhear players remarking about how excited they were to have their special guests at their games.  
Idea: Take in a game or two. Maybe even this Friday, our 7th grade Football Squad will host Warrenton before the Varsity game under the big lights.
Game Time:  4:30
(In case you were wondering, a "free base" in softball is one that doesn't require any effort on our part. The other team grants us a free base by a walk, error or ???)

Home School?
Wednesday, I popped into some classrooms and was able to sit, soak and get a pulse of the connections teachers build with our students, gleaning a sense of the structure, developing an accurate assessment of the goals and really getting to know what is going on. Watching this staff, I came to an epiphany. I realized I would send my children to these classrooms. Teachers come here to work, serve and provide the best for these children, often times when nobody else in their lives even knows they have a need. Together, they are creating a crucible for success!


Tom McCracken

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