Monday, March 14, 2016

What does pi really mean? Pizza Hut knows!

𝝅 = 3.1415926…
?? 3.14159265… ??

...with no pattern and no repeating, like 4.333 or 7.6363636
It’s hard imagine this number continuing indefinitely. We think about how easy it seems to remember the first few digits after 3.14, but do we know exactly how far it goes? Mathematicians say it goes on and on and on.  In fact, the definition for an irrational number is a number that cannot be written as a fraction. There is no fraction or even a ratio of two other numbers that can arrive at this exact number. It doesn’t exist. The closer we get to getting it right, the more accurate the number becomes. Even still, there is no way to describe it perfectly. Maybe it has to do with a round peg in a square hole?
(For our purposes in the Middle School, 3.14 is usually enough.)

Pizza Hut wants in on the action, too. They will award a pizza to a skilled and hardworking mathematics pupil in exchange for solving a few pi centered problems!
Want in on that?

So, what does pi really do for mathematicians?
It means if we multiply pi, 3.14, by the distance ACROSS a circle, the answer is the distance AROUND the circle.

Pi Day at the Middle School
All three math teachers will celebrate Pi Day in their classes on Monday, March 14.. Some  are even meeting together in the cafeteria to get the best use of their student’s pi’s. Students are encouraged to bring round pies, plates, bowls, forks, spoons, and napkins to share! Math teachers will provide the activities--coloring pi, memorization contests, videos highlighting the importance of pi and more!

February Word: Empathy
Middle School Word of the Month:  EMPATHY
Understanding the feelings of another.
In PE, Coach uses this board to share plans, words of the day, schematics of play and even proper athletic nomenclature. Thanks for this reminder about how to respect others.

Attendance in the Middle School
Here is our Middle School attendance for this academic year to date. It will take all of us to reach our goal of 90% of us here, 90% of the time.
Faculty members in the office will speak privately with students for a case-by-case review of any attendance records below 90%.
We are still a bit short of our goal. Each of us has a part in reaching this goal.

Grade Distribution - How many of each types of grades are we assigning to our students?

Last week, we emailed and sent home grades. Here is an overview. At school, we discuss topics such as Standards Based Grading (SBG), academics, accountability, and proficiency scores. in the context of  letter grades and their distribution over the  student body. The meaning of a letter grade is also addressed. For example, does an “A” reflect that the student understands the content perfectly, has done all the work, and will earn Advanced or Proficient on the MAP test? Or does the “A” mean the student brought a case of Kleenex to the teacher and received extra credit for it? What does it take to earn an “A?”

Think about how many times it may take to pass the Driver's Test.
The end result, however, is the same:  a license to operate a motor vehicle.

Speaking of Academics and eValuate Testing
Students in Ms. Gracey’s class posted a shout out for their great increases on their eValuate scores. I feel so excited when I see results like these! Here are the latest numbers below.

On that positive note…eValuate Data
Cycle A

Cycle B

March Data will be coming soon. These monthly online tests accomplish many objectives. They show us how well we are doing, what we still need to study and the progress we have made since September. It’s exciting to see how these scores unfold every month.

Types of Incidents this year
School Year:  14-15

Current Middle School Events
  • 8th Grade Shadow Day

  • Board of Education Meeting - Central Office 6:30 PM
  • 8th Grade Shadow Day

  • Early Release - No 8th Grade shadowing

  • 8th Grade Shadow Day
  • First 5th Grade Shadow Day

Friday - Busy Busy
  • Ac Lab Challenge in the AM
    • Mr. Ross is coordinating the event
  • The Warrior Way Store will be open during lunch
  • 8th Grade Shadow Day
  • 5th Grade Shadow Day
  • Glow Night VolleyBall Tournament right after school

Conclusion / Inspiration
Since Winter Break, we have gone through a lot. We have battled illnesses, successes and even a few mishaps, but we have shined throughout. I can think of no better team than the faculty, staff, students and parents of this Middle School! The last quarter of the school year is characteristically a few days longer in duration than the other quarters. Because of this, we have planned some very special events, building programs and preparation to celebrate the milestones in our student’s lives. These events are designed for every student in our school to enjoy: from the struggling students finding their first taste of success to those consistently hard workers  coming to us with talent, work ethic, and a long track record of reaching their goals.

Our intention is that these events will provide a wrap-up and celebration of the achievements of this academic year


Tom McCracken

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