February 27, 2017
Summer Adventure Learning
Details on the Summer Journey are as follows:
Additionally, students will be given these packets to share with parents at home.
As spelled out in the above details, students will be able to ride the bus, get a couple of meals, even earn a few dollars, all in the name of Summer Learning.
Sign up early to ensure your student’s spot on the rosters.
Hope, Focus, Plans and Following Up?
Together, these concepts lay the foundation for the data we see below. Hope, that we might climb out of our ranking. Focus, so we don’t try to do everything. Plans, created to list things that will actually make a difference. And Follow Up, by completing the steps developed to reach these goals in every class. For instance, the 3 boxes below give evidence of these five bullet points:
- Students mastering (scoring ADVANCED) the monthly eValuate score, for the first time ever.
- More students are scoring PROFICIENT than ever before.
- Fewer students are struggling with the material.
- Reviewing the questions from the test actually helps us learn what they are asking.
- Progress, growth and getting better are attainable and within reach of ALL OF US.
Special thanks goes to the parents for encouraging students to do their very best. Additionally, our teachers’ remediation, good teaching, and relationship building help as well. Students focusing on their learning, mastering their lessons, completing assignments, and asking questions also improves our plight!
Our Current Snapshot:
2016-17 eValuate Scores
These current eValuate scores imply that between 28 and 31% of our students will score advanced or proficient on their MATH, and 51% of our ELA student will reach the advanced or proficient levels.
2015-16 eValuate Scores
This time last year, (the graph in RED) the data implied 11% as our estimated proficiency in Math and a 26% students scoring proficient or advanced in ELA.
The biggest change I see, which should show up on the MAP test, is the smaller Red and greater Yellow and Green portions, especially in ELA. Last year, our final building MAP scores landed at 24% and 35% in Math and ELA respectively. 24% of our students scored advanced or proficient in MATH and 35% scored like that in ELA. This leads us to believe our MAP scores could in fact improve and grow to a point of where we climb out of the lowest groups in the state!
eValuate scores were adjusted to align with the latest MAP results.
Just a few points, but every bit counts.
Schedule of Upcoming Events
See the Daily Announcements for a detailed version of this document.
March arrives on Wednesday.
Schedule for February 27th - March 3rd
- Crider will be in the building- 7th and 8th graders - Cyber Issues and Healthy Choices
- 8th grade in Mr. Ross’s room - Monday through Wednesday
- 7th grade in Mr. Davis’s room - Thursday and Friday
Wednesday - March 1st
- Early Release
- Chess Club - Mr. Utlaut’s room
- Summer School Registration
- March 6-9 - Cheer tryouts
- March 10th - NJHS Volunteer Day at Food Bank
- SPRING BREAK - March 17th - 24th
- Spring Choir Concert - May 2nd
- Spring Band Concert - May 16th
- BOGO Book Fair - April 24 - 28
- NJHS Induction - April 25 at 6:30 pm in MS Gym
- Semi - April 21st
- Middle School MAP Testing - May 4th - 11th
- Six Flags - May 12th
- Last Day of School - May 17th
- Graduation - May 21st at 2:00 PM
Photobomb? Yep!
This is the middle school and this place rocks. Looking over their scores during our Binder Meetings gave testimony of the relationships teachers have built, the extra work they have put in, and the ability to maximize their learning by managing just how much struggle to allow.
Donated lunch was tremendous from a local sub shop in Wildwood, Missouri.
Brainstorming as a group allowed us to come up with many great ideas on how we can connect better with ourselves and each other, trying to make friends out of everyone, including our enemies.
Public speaking in front of over 150 students and adults to summarize our work allowed them the chance to really shine! Nice Job everyone.
When Abe Lincoln claimed ‘we lose our enemies once we make them our friends,’ it reminds us of this leadership workshop from the Megan Meier Foundation. We invested a day building pathways to connect diverse students together among area youth from other schools, as well as twenty plus students from our school. Empathy, relationship building, role-playing bullying situations, and training of bystanders and UPSTANDERS, occupied most of the day. Separate breakout sessions for the staff as well as student group sessions left all the participants jovial, smiling and ready to take the next steps. Stay tuned for the outcome in later blog posts.
School culture and climate does not change overnight. It does not change with one assembly. One guest speaker with a hard life is NOT enough to make lasting change. But when combined with a complete set of activities, plans and students, it can be the best thing ever. We are reticent to call this the first step, but just another step along the path to maturity for the students, the school and the community as we take all of us to the next step, getting better and better, day by day. It is something WE ALL WORK ON TOGETHER.
Thank you Parents. I am honored and privileged to be your Principal.
Tom McCracken
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